The tennis player number assures one of Chile to be in a hundred per cent physically and with "many desire" of doing a big period 2009.

It has been two weeks since it initiated his pre-season work, under the orders of his trainer Carlos Burgos, thinking of improving realized this period.
After his kinesiology meeting in the Clinic Meds, this Thursday the player native to La Reina had a time to analyze with Emol 2008 that ends already.
According to 15 ° of the ATP "was a very good period, with high places and shallows, but the balance in general is positive. I gained the final in Vineyard of Sea and disputed the golden medal in the Olympic Games, that makes me very similar".
Aunque reconoce que sus expectativas en el ranking eran mayores. "Esperaba jugar el Masters y terminar entre los diez mejores, pero el tenis es súper competitivo y estoy tranquilo porque hice el máximo esfuerzo y no dio para más, aunque igual estoy con muchas ganas y confianza para el 2009".
- What was the negative of 2008?
"It had divided that I did not play very well, I was not feeling competing of the way that I like being. But equal it is necessary to understand that there are many championships during the year and one wears out with so much trip, although I must learn of these things to change and to improve much more".
- How has the pre-season been?
"Very good. We have had a lot of time to work and I have felt better than other years. Now I feel different. To have taken longer holidays they helped me to clear me and to rest mentally and to start from the beginning".
- When do you finish the pre-season?
"In two more weeks we finish the most technical part and January 10 traveled to Australia to begin the period. I am going to play an exhibition in the Melbourne, then the Australian Open sea, Vineyard and a tournament before the Cup Davis".
- Do not you still realize well who will your new technician be?
"No hay nada claro, pero estoy súper tranquilo, ya que lo más importante es como se siente uno. Estoy en un gran momento y con muchas ganas por lo que viene".
- What would be the profile of the person for that you are looking?
"There is no exact profile. I believe that I worked already with different schools and learned much of them. More that a profile is to find the suitable person, someone who can what is to travel, compete and take a career of a player of high level".
- Did you surprise to finish the work with Larry Stefanki?
"Not, we were taking a lot of together time and had an agreement until May. But all good is, I am very grateful of him as he of me. We did big things and everything finished in good terms".
- Is the possibility that you begin a tournament without coach?
"It is always. I have played many tournaments in my life and that goes without technician is not going to change to one so much. It is not the idea, but if it is necessary I it go to do".
- What is your goal for 2009?
"The same everlasting: to come to the Master's degrees and to end between the ten.
- Are you going to privilege the biggest tournaments?
"This is the idea. To play a bit less, since when it is having one more years in the circuit more it is costing you. That's why I want to privilege the most important championships and compete the just thing".
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